My Story

Hi. I’m PK Stuart an author living in western Colorado, and I write romantic fantasy.

I love reading. I was that kid motivated to finish schoolwork by the words “Read silently when you have finished.” My favorite genres changed over the years, but I’ve never been without at least one book I was reading. My favorite stories now mix magic, mystery, and romance with a touch of humor. So, that’s what I write.

My Time’s End series has that magic, mystery and romance. It also features smart, strong women and kind, brave men. My characters may take time to discover their bravery, intelligence, and strength, but it will all work out (mostly).

Personally, I balance my time between being introverted—glued to my laptop and being outdoors. I enjoy hiking, biking, floating rivers, exploring all the amazing archaeological sites in the four-corners region and doing it all with amazing family and friends.

Protecting nature, taking care of people in my community and nurturing my family are values I have in common with my characters. 

Dispelling the myth that smart, strong, outdoor loving women don’t read romance is important to me too.

In keeping with taking care of nature and each other, I’ll donate 10% of annual revenue among the charities listed below.

If that changes, I’ll let you know.

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